While navigating through a narrow channel, a ship can face many challenges. Therefore, due caution should be practised when navigating narrow channels as such routes provide inadequate sea room and other threats, which can damage the ship, cause it to sink, and can be life-threatening for passengers. So, here are some points that must be kept in mind when transiting through a narrow channel.
After reading these, it would get clear how important it is for a ship to be well-built and be equipped with the right devices and tools. Thus, if you are planning to buy a passenger ferry for sale, consult a good ship broker to buy the best ship.

Turning points
The turning point is the narrow channels are one of the most challenging parts of a ship’s journey. It demands great skill and expertise to smoothly navigate through these turns in a narrow passage. While the ship’s pilot should know the water well, the duty officer should be able to prompt the right time to take the turn. Further, the rudder should be applied in the right amount to get the exact phase for the ship to turn simultaneously with the pivot point of the vessel. Remember, an early turn is easy to recover from than a late turn.
So, even a minute error in the operation can result in a failed turning. To avoid this, besides expert personnel on duty, the ship must also be equipped with all the features. So, if you are planning to buy a passenger ferry for sale, you can consult a knowledgeable ship broker.
In comparison to the open sea, when travelling through a narrow passage, the density of traffic can be more for obvious reasons. Therefore, the chances of collision in such cases also increase due to less space. So, it is essential for the duty officer to keep an eye on the radar.
Communication with VTS
Having a proper communication setup with VTS (vessel traffic services) is important. As such a setup helps to avoid any untoward situation while transiting a narrow passage. The traffic services have proper information on every vessel that is passing this zone. Thus, having clear communication with them facilitates a smooth transit.
Bridge-to-bridge communication
During a vessel’s transit through a narrow passage, the VHF tool plays an important role as it facilitates communication. It helps to clarify the surrounding vessel’s intent especially of those vessels that pose a danger to your vessel’s safe journey. Also, navigational aids like radars and AIS must be used for the determination of the identity, CPA, positioning and more of the ship that is in question, and the same information must also be sent to the target vessel.
While passing through a narrow passage, the vessel should maintain a proper speed. The range should be such that when the need arises the vessel can increase the speed to achieve better rudder responsiveness without travelling faster. Further, the engine should also be ready for any manoeuvre at any point so that the pilot orders for forward and backward propulsion and other changes can be executed swiftly.
A ship can always get exposed to current in a narrow channel. While it is inevitable for a ship to avoid the current, it is very important to note that the ship’s precise positioning is greatly affected by it. While the head current interferes with the vessel’s transit speed, the following current can result in a bit of sluggishness. So, this point must be kept in mind while a vessel traverses a narrow passage.
Communication with the engine room
Before transiting, control tests are carried out. Such notice should be sent to the engine room. Plus, the engine room should be kept informed about every requirement that develops during the transit. For instance, if the ship is required to make a heavy maneuvering, or is immediately required to bring about changes in direction and speed, communicating with ER will ensure a smooth journey.
Transiting through a narrow passage should be done with more caution, and in that case, the above-mentioned points can be of great help. However, you must keep in mind one thing that following the above points will only be possible if the ship is equipped with all the necessary features. So, if you are someone who is considering purchasing a passenger ferry for sale must make sure that the ship is sturdy, well-built and has all the advanced features. To buy such a ship, you can get in touch with a ship broker.