When a ship is on a voyage, any kind of emergency can arise. During such times it may require assistance from another vessel or shore authorities. To send the signal that the particular ship is in face of an emergency, different types of distress signals are used. If we broadly classify, there are two types of distress signals to attract the attention of passing vessels or shore authorities when a ship is in danger, these are- pyrotechnic and non-pyrotechnic signals. In this blog, we have explained thoroughly the types of non-pyrotechnic distress signals on ships. However, as it is essential to know both as you are planning to purchase a cruise ship for sale, we have briefly explained pyrotechnic signals as well to help you gain clarity.

Pyrotechnic Signals
Pyrotechnic signals are the ones that undergo exothermic chemical reactions to produce light, heat, smoke, and sound. For example, hand flares, rocket flares, smoke signals etc.
Non- Pyrotechnic Signals
Non-pyrotechnic signals on the other hand are ways to send signals without the use of exothermic reactions. Take a look at different types of non-pyrotechnic signals that are used when a ship is in face of an emergency.
Popularly known as SOS according to the Morse Code is one of the most common ways to send distress signals during an emergency. These signals are sent with the help of radiotelephony or using the ship’s whistle is one of the means of non-pyrotechnic ways of signaling.
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Orange Signal Flag
The orange signal flag is a square-shaped flag that has a ball or an object like a ball above or below it. This flag is hoisted or hung atop a high pedestal to make it clearly visible to the vessel or aircraft that the ship in danger needs to get attention of. It is one of the most effective ways of signaling during the day, while in the night it becomes redundant as it fails to attract attention due to less visibility. Orange is the colour that is preferred and selected internationally because it’s the most visual colour and effective for distress signaling.
Radio Signals
Another means that is used for distress signaling is radio signals. In this method, a distress signal can be sent with the help of a method called Digital Selective Calling, which is sent on VHF radio channels that are reserved for maritime distress signaling.
Marker Dyes
Marker dyes are also used for distress signaling. In this case, the dye is spread on the sea and the dye helps to colour the immediate area covering 50 meters of the water. Hence, it helps to attract the attention of the passing vessel or personnel sent to help.
Heliographs or mirrors can be put to great use when an onboard ship has encountered any emergency. The mirror or the heliograph helps to reflect the light and point out the location of the emergency. Given that these heliographs are non-corrosive in nature they are preferred by mariners.
There are other non-pyrotechnic signals such as ship satellite communication systems, SART or Search and Rescue Radar Transponder and etc. In this blog, we have mentioned some of the non-Pyrotechnic signals that are commonly used and have shown effective results in the face of emergency. Distress signaling system plays an important role in protecting ships whether big or small thus; every ship owner must have proper knowledge on the same. And, as you want to be an owner of cruise ship for sale, you must also learn about distress signaling system, because navigating sea and oceans are not an easy task and an emergency can appear at any moment. Thus, to save the ship and passengers onboard in the event of an emergency, distress signaling system must be given due importance.